
Week 4.1-8.1 in Lions.

Snowflakes falling!

Dear friends, First of all: HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2021! Now, some winter news from Lions. This week has been so great, we enjoyed in the snow! We learned new winter songs, how to take care of ouselves by dressing by the right winter clothes.

We also celebrated Kings Day! Did you know that in Spain children receive their presents on The Three Kings Day? Ask the children, who got a piano in the Fox group? They will tell you 😊

Lions practiced their fine motor skills, cutting and decorating their crowns. As well as some math, sorting by colour and size the precious stones and gold stars to glue it on their beautiful crowns.

Creativity is part of our days. Santa Claus knows that! Little lions got new construction toys. They enjoyed the time, creating new items. Look at the pictures please!

Vali and Ela had fun playing in the beauty salon. Vali made a nice hairstyle to Ela, it was so nice to observe them comunicating in English all the time,playing so deep into their roles!

We had a nice time during our experiment: How to make ice paints! Lions obsereved step by step everything we need to make ice paints. They helped mixing ingredients, very carefully.They also observed how to mix some colours! Now, we know how to make brown colour, it is so easy: just mix all the colours, and thats it!

Have a look at our huge snow man, Little Lions cooperated as a great team! The result: Mr. Big Snow Man. Thanks Samik for the carrot nose!

Next week, we will star with the new Topic: Little Leonardo. We will send you our new mind map, and some information about this beautiful project.

Looking forward for more fun,

Have a nice winter weekend,

Your Lions.