
Week 15.5-19.5 in Lions.

News from Lions!

Week 15.5 – 19.5 in Lions.

Hello dear friends, here is some news from the Lions class! This week, was dedicated to some occupations and jobs: Chef/Waiter, Postman, Builder, and dentist. We also looked at different materials used for construction. On Monday morning, children participated in roleplay at The Lions Restaurant. The Lions discovered how to be a waiter or a Chef and they got the chance to practice communication skills while acting the different job roles, and of course eating from the Lions Menu! In the afternoon, they built a straw and wooden stick houses! They had a great time working together as builders! As well as comparing the texture of different materials. They discovered that the straw is not as strong as the wood 😊

Tuesday, we visited the Gym, as always children got a nice time exercising their muscles, jumping on the trampoline, throwing a ball to a target, running, and practicing some stretching/relaxing exercises. Also, arst and crafts have been part of our busy week. The Lions decorated a brick house, stamping nice bricks using sponges and paint!

On Wednaesday we went for a walk around our kindergarten. Lions discovered a nice foto exhibition near Trifot square. They were fascinated with the beautiful animals photos! All photographs were taken by children from all around Czech Republic!

We are approaching the end of our project. As we already informed you before, Lions will offer a nice Theater performance to their friends in the Fox class. This is the final activity of The Three Little Pigs project! Hope you will enjoy the pictures! 😊 as much as the children enjoyed the story!

Looking forward for more,

Have lovely sunny weekend!

Your Lions Teachers.