
News from Cubs


Dear parents, grandparents and friends,

Welcome back to our weekly Blog! Let’s go see wat we have been doing this week.

This week we continued our topic titled “The Little Prince” It was a fun and exciting week here in the Cub class. We got to learn about our Planet Earth, Sun and Moon, used fine motor skills to glue and paint and started our unit art project, the creation of our own planet!

We began the week by learning about the concepts of day and night. Little Cubs go to find out activities we do when the Sun is out and what we usually do when we see the Moon on the sky. Our kids got to do many sorting games and practice their cognitive skills using these concepts. We also did many group projects, creating our own Sun and Moon.

This past week all of our Cubs got to participate in many group projects, creating the Sun, Moon and stars. Everyone had to use their fine motor skills, gluing the crepe paper, painting with sponges, and using foil. All these crafts are now decorating our class. We love being crafty and keeping our hands busy!

Next week we will continue our unit art project and will talk a bit about the daily routine here at school. Does Little Prince know what are we doing after circle time or lunch time? We’ll find out ..

Have a lovely weekend,

Cub Team