
News from Cubs

Week 22.6. - 26.6.2020

Dear parents,

This has been a sometimes cold and rainy, sometimes warm and sunny week, but no matter what the weather was doing, we always managed to have a great time.

As part of our Busy busy bugs topic, we practiced crawling through tunnels like ants do in an anthill, wriggling across the floor like caterpillars, crawling over obstacles like bugs in tall grass, and many more new and sometimes tricky exercises while imitating some of the smaller members of wildlife. We also made some sand tunnels and houses, which would be perfect for some creepy-crawlies (if they manage to find them) :-)

In the gym, apart from the already mentioned bug exercises, we made a tunnel for balls – we would throw a ball in the top (with the help of a teacher) and get all excited to see it coming out the other end. We would then compare the balls and see which went the farthest.

We also celebrated a birthday in the Cub Group this week. It was a lot of fun, with balloons and an extra yummy snack!

Being as busy as bugs always makes up tired, and we are happy to crawl into our beds after lunch and have a snooze :-)

We hope you enjoy our pictures and we look forward to meeting again next week!

Your Cubs