
News from Cubs

Week 11.5.-15.5.

Dear parents and friends of the Cubs class,

This week we welcomed a new friend to our class and he is now our youngest cub. He is doing really well and already making some friends! And you can see on the photos, that morning circle is no problem at all, all of us are sitting nicely and signing our songs – and we always want more and more songs.

In the middle of the week we did some crafts, which you can see in the cloakroom. It was really fun to make it, because the paintbrush was tickling our hands :) 

We were going outside a lot and on Friday we were in the gym and we love it there! It was so much fun to be on slide, to race, to play with balls etc. And we even did some dancing there.

It was really nice week in Villa Luna and we are looking forward what next week will bring.

Have a great weekend and take care!

Your Cubs