Our Colourful World
Red, yellow, blue and all the colours of the rainbow surround us in our kindergarten every day, which is why we excitedly set out to learn to recognize them.
First we learned how to sort different objects and to assign them to individual colours. We were looking for the correct plate for teddy bears, or placing rings on a coloured strip.
We lay down colourful Lego pieces on a template and using tweezers, we struggled to manipulate plush balls from the Montessori corner.
When we had managed all that, we even tried to give names to the colours. "What colour is my nose?" asked Matthew.
Would you believe that we can exercise with colours too? We really enjoyed it. We were jumping into colourful hoops, recognizing the colours on the parachute, and hopping around to a song about blue and yellow.
Of course, the best was when we tried to put paint on paper, to dissolve it with water, or to spread it around with our fingers. Then we were even colourful behind our ears. That was great fun! We became the rainbow Owl Class.