Week 13.9.-17.09.2021 in the Fox Group
Let´s go on a trip!
Dear parents, grandparents and friends, greetings from the Fox group!
This week we went for a trip to Dendrologic garden - a very nice natural park with many different sorts of plants and small animals like birds or squirrel. In our activities there we learned a lot about food and lifestyle of animals in our city and tried as well to work like ant 😊 The most fun we enjoyed in a big natural labyrint!
In this garden we found out who is a our new visitor of Winnie the Pooh story in this week: I-ah! It went to our trip as well and we found it hidden on a tree. It was a little bit shy and sad because of its broken tail - but we managed to found a helping hand for it in the office and it was happy again 😊
We enjoyed a lot time in our gym while playing "car game" - to react on acustic or visual signal, be fast but as well to pay attention about the other cars. Imagine, some of us had muscle fatigue on the next day!
In preschool we learned a lot about geometry shapes and colours, their shades and mixing.. we spoke about our families and homes. Do your kids know who is in your family and where do you live in Prague?
Have a look on our pictures 😊
Your Fox teachers