Preparation Week 2020
A week devoted to getting ready for new school year 2020/2021
The last week of August is always set aside as a time to prepare and organize the new school year. The children don’t attend Villa Luna this week, and all staff work hard to make everything perfect for the first day of school, as well as for the whole year.
This year, we spent a lot of time planning our upcoming educational projects, as well as implementing our new child evaluation system, and putting our system of selecting educational goals for each project and each age group into practice.
We also planned many events for the next weeks and months, and spent time organizing and tidying our classrooms. We decorated everything according to our first project of the new school year, which is called Rainbow Fish.
We learned a lot of new things and gained new experiences through the number of workshops and other forms of training this week (e.g. first aid, environmental preschool education, health exercises for children and more). The non-teaching Villa Luna staff was also very enthusiastic about getting everything ready and perfect for the arrival of the children.
After all our hard work, we spent some time just getting to know each other better, and getting stronger as a team, while enjoying delicious food!
It’s pure joy to belong to such an amazing group of dedicated, enthusiastic and friendly people, all with a passion to support child development. The preparation week always brings out the best in everyone, as we all want to create the highest quality preschool educational program we can. And that’s exactly what we tried to do :-)