
News from Cubs


Dear parents, grandparents and friends many greetings from the Cub class!

Welcome to a busy and fun week with us. Let us show you all what we have been up to this past five days.

We will start with the birthday celebration we had this week. Our dear friend Nienke turned 2 and we were super excited to sing her ‘’Happy Birthday’’ and look at her baby pictures. To make it even more special, since it was her day, we made a beautiful poster with pictures from the school and a crown for her. Happy Birthday Nienke from all of us! 😊

This week we entered the most festive month of the year, so we couldn’t but celebrate it a bit. The first day, we lighted the first candle of the Christmas wreath we made last week. Coming in the classroom on Tuesday morning we saw 24 beautiful red pouches hanging above the board. Everyday now we open one of them and look what they are hiding in. Each of them has a book and a small surprise for all of us. This give us the opportunity to read even more books than before. We love reading books! The month of December entered with the best way, giving us the first snow of the year. We were super happy to go outside and play with it. Having a snow fight was the best! We also tried to make a small snowman.

During this project we are learning about our five senses. We started with the sense of hearing. First, we found out that we hear noises through our ears and if we close them, we will not be able to hear. Then we had some activities about this sense, we heard many noises and we tried to figure what they are (car, birds, and rain).

The week finished with lots of fun in the gym, as we always do. Many games were played, and we are getting better and better on finding our balance and improving our gross motor skills.

That is all from us for now. See you next week with more exciting news to come were we will continue with our “Stickman” project.

Your Cubs