News from Cubs
Week 29.6. - 3.7.2020
Dear Cub parents,
This was the last week of our Busy Busy Bugs topic. But just because the topic has finished, we will still be interested in watching ants, ladybugs and other bugs, for sure!
After many weeks, we started going on some longer excursions again this week with our big stroller (a.k.a. the “babybus” :-)) , with the oldest Cubs walking alongside. It was fun rediscovering the Villa Luna surroundings, exploring everything and going to new places.
It was really hot at times this week! We enjoyed the warm weather and all the activities it allows, but especially playing with water. We had loads of fun scooping, pouring and splashing. Very refreshing! Luckily we have a lot of spare clothing :-)
Next week is the Villa Luna summer holiday, but we’ll look forward to meeting again the week after. We will be starting our new topic then, about Native Americans, which we are looking forward to.
Have a great holiday!
Your Cubs