News from Cubs
Week 4.5. - 7.5.
Dear parents,
Another week is ending and because it was a 4-day week again, it has flown by so fast.
We had a great time with our morning circle and other favourite rituals, playing with our favourite toys and reconnecting with more old friends. For some of us, these days were mostly about getting used to being back at Villa Luna – but we all managed perfectly and we’re happy to be back with our friends!
The weather was a bit colder and rainier this week, but we didn’t mind. We still went outside a lot, and when we couldn’t, our favourite Villa Luna gym was, as always, ready to provide a source of exercise, training and lot and lots of fun!
We had a car race in the garden, as even the smallest of us now have long enough legs to reach the ground. ;-) We sometimes reverse without trying, but we’re getting better and faster all the time! We’re also very happy about using the sand box again, on nice and warm days.
You can see pictures of the zoo we were building, complete with fences so the animals didn’t escape. ;-) We learned some names of animals and practiced the sounds they make.
After the busy morning we’re always all tired out and ready for our nap. We enjoy curling up in bed and listening to the bedtime story as we fall asleep, ready to reenergize before our busy day continues. :-)
Have a good weekend and take care!
Your Cubs