Happy Summer Holidays!
Week 27.6-1.7 in Lions.
Hello friends, here is some news from the Lions class! This week, we have been focusing on Holidays. Where do we want to go? What means of transport can we use to travel? What are we going to pack? So, during the week the children had the chance to dramatize some real life situations before traveling, at the airport and during the flight! They had agreat great time! 😊 Through role-play, children developed not only communication skills, but also their capacity for creative and cognitive skills.
Due to the warm weather, we have been outside enjoying nature, observing and identifying the basic characteristics of summer. Little Lions learned some summer songs and rhymes to share with you! 😊 The Sun Cream song, and 5 Scoops of Ice cream!
Their fine motor skills have been active this week, while cutting, drawing and decorating their Spain, to enjoy the sea and the summer holidays! 😊😊 Everyone enjoyed a pleasent flight, snacks and of course a movie!! Captain Matej, and his crew look forward to traveling with little Lions again in a near future! 😊 Please, look at the pictures!
Yesterday was a great adventure. Pokemon scavenger hunt and Ice creams! Children had a lot of fun looking for the clues to find the messagges, fulfilling the tasks that their Pokemons friends left for them around the big playground.
Good job Lions!! We all deserve an Ice cream!!
In this way, we have closed the school year with plenty of fun, love, adventures, trips, experiments, etc etc etc! 😊
Enjoy the holidays everybody! Looking forward for more,
Your Lions teachers.